Eagle BASE

Before & After School Enrichment

Eagle BASE at New Kent Christian School provides a structured program as a service to families who need childcare before and after school. The program is designed to help working parents by providing a safe and nurturing environment for students before and after the school day. With the help of our qualified teachers and staff, your child can participate in a program that meets our vision and mission for our students beyond regular school hours!


BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL: The cost each week for one student in the program is $80.

Additional siblings are $70 per week.

AFTER SCHOOL ONLY: The cost each week for one student in the program is $50/week.

Additional siblings are $40 per week.

Payment of cash or check is due on Monday of each week.

(made payable to NKCS)


The program is ONLY available on days when school is OPEN to students.

Before School hours: 7:15am to 8:15am

Students may bring breakfast to school and enjoy a time of quiet activities.

After School hours: 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Students are provided a light snack and given the opportunity for both active play and quiet activities. Some of the activities included are the Good News Club, extra outdoor recess and sports, and homework assistance. NKCS will add new, and exciting activities throughout the year.


This program is in addition to and does not take the place of the Before/After Care Program offered by New Kent Christian Academy located on Route 60 in Bottoms Bridge.

Accredited By:
National Association of Private Schools

Member of:ACSI Member

New Kent Christian School IS A MINISTRY OF:

New Kent Christian Center Logo

New Kent Christian Center

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Interested in teaching at New Kent Christian School? Please email your cover letter and resume to:
[email protected]

Get In Touch

Address: 9660 Tunstall Road, New Kent, VA 23124

Telephone: (804) 557-5774

Email: [email protected]

School Hours:
Monday–Friday, 8:30am–3:30pm

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