Meet Our 2024-2025 Teachers & Staff
NKCS LEADERSHIPNKCS is thrilled to bring a private school experience to New Kent County where academics intertwine with the truth of God’s word. NKCS is a place where teachers love to teach and students love to learn!

Christi Carnell

Lee Meade
Director of Admissions & Student Services

Pastor Wayne Meade
Administration & Chapel

Abigail Canaday
Payroll & Accreditation

Ashton Slosjarik

Megan Peterson

Alayna Adams
Jr. K Teacher

Nicole Smoke
Jr. K Teacher

Tara Lavin
Kindergarten Teacher

Shannon Corker
Kindergarten Teacher

Jen Adamsons
First Grade Teacher

Carol Slater
First Grade Teacher

Reagan Brown
Second Grade Teacher

Sara Brown
Second Grade Teacher

Claire Partin
Third Grade Teacher

Katie Burke
Third Grade Teacher

Esther Wickersham
Fourth Grade Teacher

Brooke Metheny
Fourth Grade Teacher

Holly Woodward
Fifth Grade Teacher

Camille Kewer
Middle School Teacher

Kelley McNeer
Middle School Teacher

Candice Parsley
Middle/Upper School Teacher

Deanna Tate
Spanish & Technology

Sarah Ferk
Physical Education Teacher

John Scorsone
NKCS - Physical Education Teacher & NKCC - Director of Operations

Bridget Marshall
Art Teacher & Marketing Manager

Kathy Inman

Mary Rader
Assistant Librarian & Substitute

Regan Hutchens
Intervention Specialist

Kelly Strickler
Intervention Specialist & Teacher Assistant

Chloe Henretty
Assistant Teacher

Amy Babin
Assistant Teacher
Parent/Teacher Fellowship:
Sarah Wells & Kathryn Horsley – CoPresidents
Private Christian School
- The school year is 8/13/2025-5/22/2026 with paid holidays and breaks
- Teacher week starts 8/5/2025 for new teachers
- Teacher hours: 8am-4pm
- The opportunity to attend an ACSI conference with the team- registration fee and room covered
- Competitive pay
- Opportunity to work at summer camp or tutor
- 40-50 hours of PTO (8 hours gained each additional year of employment)
- Be a part of an awesome team to influence our community and culture for Christ
Overview: The teacher shall be a college graduate, certified or certifiable, who feels called by God to the teaching profession.
Contracted by: NKCS Administration upon recommendation of the administrator for one year.
Responsible to: Administrator
Supervises: May supervise student teachers, aides, and volunteers.
Evaluation: Teacher performance will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the school’s policy on evaluation of professional personnel and this job description.
The teacher shall:
1. Have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
2. Believe that the Bible is God’s Word and standard for faith and daily living.
3. Be in whole-hearted agreement with the school’s Statement of Faith and Christian philosophy of education.
4. Be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions toward others. This includes being committed to God’s Biblical standards for sexual conduct. Luke 6:40.
5. Show by example the importance of Scripture study and memorization, prayer, witnessing, and unity in the Body of Christ.
6. Have the spiritual maturity, academic ability, and personal leadership qualities to “train up a child in the way he should go.”
The teacher shall:
1. Recognize the role of parents as primarily responsible before God for their student’s education and be prepared to assist them in that task.
2. Demonstrate the character qualities of enthusiasm, courtesy, flexibility, integrity, gratitude, kindness, self-control, perseverance, and punctuality.
3. Meet everyday stress with emotional stability, objectivity, and optimism.
4. Maintain a personal appearance as a Christian role model of cleanliness, modesty, good taste, and agreement with school policy.
5. Use acceptable English in written and oral communication. Speak with clear articulation.
6. Respectfully submit and be loyal to constituted authority.
7. Shall notify the administration of any policy he/she cannot support.
8. Refuse to use or circulate confidential information inappropriately.
9. Place his/her teaching ministry ahead of other jobs or volunteer activities.
10. Make an effort to appreciate and understand the community’s uniqueness.
JOB DESCRIPTION – Essential Functions
The teacher shall:
1. Reflect the purpose of the school, which is to honor Christ in every class and in every activity.
2. Motivate students to accept God’s gift of salvation and help them grow in their faith through their witness and Christian role modeling.
3. Lead students to a realization of their self-worth in Christ.
4. Cooperate with the administration in implementing all policies, procedures, and directives governing the school’s operation.
5. Teach classes as assigned, following the prescribed scope and sequence as the administrator schedules.
6. Integrate biblical principles and the Christian philosophy of education throughout the curriculum and activities.
7. Keep proper discipline in the classroom and on the school premises for a good learning environment.
8. Maintain a clean, attractive, well-ordered classroom.
9. Plan broadly through semester and quarterly plans and objectives and, more currently, through a Lesson Plan Book.
10. Plan a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the student’s individual needs, interests, and abilities, challenging each to do his/her best work.
11. Utilize valid teaching techniques to achieve curriculum goals within the framework of the school’s philosophy.
12. Employ a variety of instructional aids, methods, and materials that will provide for creative teaching to reach the whole child: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and emotional.
13. Plan the balanced classroom use of field trips, guest speakers, and other media through approved channels.
14. Use homework effectively for drill, review, enrichment, or project work.
15. Assess students’ learning regularly and provide progress reports as required.
16. Maintain regular and accurate attendance and grade records to meet the demands for a comprehensive knowledge of each student’s progress.
17. Keep students, parents, and the administration informed of progress or deficiencies and give sufficient notice of failure.
18. Recognize the need for good public relations. Represent the school favorably and professionally to the school’s constituency and the general public.
19. Develop and maintain rapport with students, parents, and staff by treating others with friendliness, dignity, and consideration.
20. Follow the Matthew 18 principle in dealing with conflict with students, parents, staff, and administration.
21. Seek the counsel of the administrator, colleagues, and parents while maintaining a teachable attitude.
22. Attend and participate in scheduled in-service, retreats, committee, faculty, and Parent Teacher Fellowship meetings.
23. Know the procedures for dealing with issues of an emergency nature.
24. Inform the administration promptly if unable to fulfill any assigned duty. Prepare adequate information and materials for a substitute teacher.
JOB DESCRIPTION – Supplemental Functions
The teacher shall:
1. Supervise extracurricular activities, organizations, and outings as assigned.
2. Utilize educational opportunities and evaluation processes for professional growth.
3. Provide input and constructive recommendations for administrative and managerial functions in the school.
4. Support the broader program of the school by attending extracurricular activities when possible.
5. Perform any other duties that the administration may assign.
*Salary: $32,000-40,000 based on experience and certification
*ACSI certification is a plus
*We do not offer health insurance at this time, however, we do offer offer tuition reimbursement for continuing education and professional development!
New Kent Christian School IS A MINISTRY OF:
New Kent Christian Center
Join our team
Interested in teaching at New Kent Christian School? Please email your cover letter and resume to:
[email protected]
Get In Touch
Address: 9660 Tunstall Road, New Kent, VA 23124
Telephone: (804) 557-5774
Email: [email protected]
School Hours:
Monday–Friday, 8:30am–3:30pm
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